Wednesday 24 April 2019

A Virtual Tour To Vietnamese Culture Before Planning A Holiday!

While planning for an International trip, culture has always been a top concern along with many other factors like weather, destinations, etc. People go lurking for culture atmosphere of the country to prep themselves before planning a holiday. 

If everything that we just spoke is your concern before visiting Vietnam, then you have come just the right place. As we are going to talk about the country culture before you book your Vietnam Tour Package

Talking About the Aura of Vietnam

The first thing to know about this country is that people here are very rich in terms of their tradition and history. The culture of the country has been prominent for thousands of years. Thereby, don’t get surprised if you see people following their culture strictly, it is in their soul and blood. 
  • Moving around the Streets in Rickshaw

Traveling in a rickshaw is a popular Asian culture which can get you to different streets of the city. Tourists have a fun time enjoying the city view in a two-wheeled or three-wheeled rickshaw. 

Going back to the 19th century, Cyclos, formerly known as rickshaws were a part of Vietnamese tradition since the colonial time. Ever since the country has accepted the mode of transportation with various adaptations.

Here your Cyclo drivers are also the tourist guides, who will entertain you throughout your journey. Along the way, you can have an unbroken view of temples, architectures, and eye-catching place. 

Tip of the iceberg is, you get familiar with the streets of Vietnam and have the pleasure of observing Vietnamese people with your naked eyes.

Cyclos or rickshaw have become a popular tourist attraction and thus, have been customized for your holiday experience. You won’t be able to keep away from this amazing culture, on visiting the beautiful country with Vietnam and Cambodia Tour.

  • The Water World Of Vietnam
Looking for food stores around the streets of Vietnam? Well, you certainly won’t find any, because, all of Vietnam’s shopping experience in floating on the water. As the country shines in maps for rice bowl and water world (civilization), Vietnamese are proud sellers of the floating market.

Being surrounded by lovely people working under the sun and on water, you will definitely dive into the cultural essence of the country. 

The market flashes open at 5.00 AM and it is not late than 6.00 AM that the entire market is already crowded. You will find both men and women selling their business by hanging out the sample pieces.

Fresh vegetables, fruits, and Vietnamese breakfast everything will float in front of your eyes. So, just go the boat you like and begin your morning in a fresh environment.

  • Puppet Culture: The Coast For Entertainment

Everyone would probably have a hint of Puppet culture which is traditionally popular in Asia. However, you all must have seen artists performing it as a stage play on dry land.

The Vietnam puppetry has its own version of the culture, which began back in the 11th Century. Water puppetry; which is performed by the puppet masters on the water to beautifully present the stories of ancient history. The background music is added to entail a blissful environment.

If you wish to have a taste of this cultural art, mark Hanoi Water Puppet Theatre in your list of destinations. You can watch the show at different timings as listed below; 15:30 – 17:00 – 18:30 – 20:00 – 21:15, and Sunday at 9:30.

  • Vietnamese New Year with New Beginnings
To be honest, during the time of Vietnamese new year you will find people exchanging gratitudes and smiles. Traditionally known as Tet, their new year is all about gathering, cooking meals and writing down couplets on the doors of the house. 

If you have landed around late January to early February, do not miss out on eating their traditional new year food; i.e. Banh Chung. A rice dish (generally sticky rice) made with a mix of pork and beans. You can see how beautifully they serve the dish wrapped in the leaf of a plant named Dong. 

We suggest planning your Vietnam Holiday Packages around late January to February. It will the perfect time of the year to take a culture trip and experience a different side of Holidays.