Thursday 20 August 2020

Top 2 Must See Cities to Visit in Cambodia

When you are visiting Cambodia, you need to write down one thing in your diary or your mobile notes that there are many more things to visit than Angkor Wat. Do you find it funny? You might, but it is true that when a person looks for a Cambodia tour package, Angkor Wat is the main tourist attraction they want to visit. Well, it is a phenomenal and highly popular religious landmark, but there are some other fascinating and historic tourist attractions that you should not miss. Cambodia has some amazing tourist spots to visit and you should make the most out of them. 

In this post, we will discuss three popular cities you cannot miss when you are on the Cambodia holidays. Stay tuned! 

Siem Reap

The first city that we would love to introduce you is Siem Reap, also known as the gateway to Angkor Wat and other historic ancient sites. It is one of the fastest-growing cities of Cambodia and you can book your accommodation from trendy hotels to budgetary houses. 

Some of the tourist attractions in Cambodia are:

Old Market Area:

If you are looking for a typical market with plenty of shops, restaurants, bars and pubs, you should not miss this Old Market Area which also covers the area around the Angkor Market. It is the first place you need to be when you are in the city. 

Main Road to Angkor:

Also known as Charles de Gaulle Boulevard, this road connects the centre of Siem Reap with the Angkor Archaeological Park and has plenty of restaurants, shops and luxury hotels. You should not miss the Angkor National Museum when you are here. 

Some other attractions to visit are Wat Bo Road area, National Road No 6 Area and Angkor Archaeological Park. 

Phnom Penh

Welcome to the largest and wealthiest city of Cambodia which is also the political, cultural and economic hub of the country. Located in the south-central region of the country, Phnom Penh covers an area of 376 sq. km. if you are in the search for charm and tranquillity, you are at the right place. Some of the places you need to visit are:

Royal Palace:

A sparkling riverfront palace is one of the most visited tourist attractions of the city. However, only the Throne hall and surrounding buildings are open for visitors. 

Silver Pagoda:

Located in the southern part of the Royal Palace complex, Silver Pagoda is known as the Wat Uborsoth Rotannaram as it is the place where the king worshipped and observed every Silas Day in Buddhism. 

National Museum:

You cannot end your holidays to Cambodia without visiting the National Museum which holds the best Khmer art collection in the world. Located in the terracotta building, just north of the Royal Palace, the museum has a great historical value and importance. 

Some other places to visit in Cambodia are Toul Sleng Genocide Museum, Choeng Ek Killing Fields, and Wat Phnom.


If you are visiting Cambodia, add these two cities in your Cambodia tour package and don't miss them at any cost. You will surely be able to learn about the culture and heritage of this beautiful country hold, along with its rituals and traditions.