Friday 24 May 2019

Get Engaged In Unveiling Some Mysterious Facts About Myanmar

The Magic of Holiday does not reside in the journey nor in the destination. It is, in fact, the acoustic blend of both the experiences.

If you are looking for some mysterious yet fun-loving holiday plan, the missing on Myanmar tour is not an option.

The country sparkles its unique charm, with all the cultural and architectural references, it stands out among most Asian countries. We can say it more like a unicorn in the sea of donkeys!

Soon enough you will know why and how Myanmar makes a statement when it comes to Holiday destinations in South-east Asia.

Share with us the joy of knowing amusing/shocking facts of the country, so visiting the place, in reality, becomes actual fun!

Duology in the Names

Do we call the country by the name Myanmar or Burma, the idea puts you into a certain dilemma.

Logically, Myanmar is the official name used in the Geography of the country. While Burma is the sweet name given by its own residents. 

It is the same as having two names of a person, one given out of love by our parents other what the world calls you.

Here’s an added information; Myanmar is derived from Myanma, meaning fast and strong people.

The Tribe of Long Neck

A lot of people might have noticed a ring-like accessory around the woman’s neck. But did you know, that it originally comes from Myanmar?

A place where a number of traditional and ethnic items are tucked away is what Myanmar really all about. The uniqueness of this tradition comes from a special tribe; i.e Kayan.

You would be amused to know the real reason behind wearing the rings. Typically, in the initial years before the British Era, tiger attacks were quite prevalent. These rings were woman’s armor back then and went on to become a part of Burmese culture.

Kuthodaw Pagoda: The Book Stupa

It is interesting to know that Myanmar contains the biggest book in the entire world, sitting inside the Buddhist Stupa.

The Kuthodaw Pagoda in Mandalay is among the beautiful tourist attractions, popular for being a religious place. And at the same time holding the historical record of the biggest book.

What’s amusing is that this book is a combination of a total of 1460 pages and 730 leaves. The size something that will drop your jaws; each page is 3.51 ft wide, 5.1 inches thick and 5.02 ft tall.

Do not miss out the amusement of visiting a place that is embraced throughout the world. Make sure you hit the place while booking Myanmar Tour Packages.

Expect the Undiscovered Facts!

Such amazing facts can be treated as the driving force to visit the country. The aura of Burma/Myanmar is peaceful. Every person you meet will sound cheerful and welcoming.

The facts can be both weird and interesting, it all depends on how you choose to look at them!

Tour across the entire South-Asian countries, Threeland travels brings in some interesting packages for Vietnam and Cambodia Tours also.

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