Tuesday 25 June 2019

Know About The Custom And Etiquette While Visiting Vietnam

We are sure, if you have landed on this page, you are planning to visit Vietnam or would love to explore the country. Tourism has highly impacted the local cultures and hence even with the advent of western trends and habits, some countries like Vietnam love to preserve their culture and tradition.

Vietnam demands some strictures but is friendly enough to forgive unintentional faux. So it is always better to learn about the local etiquette and customs so that even unknowingly you do not offend anyone. Vietnamese are very welcoming and treat you with the highest level of hospitality, making you feel like being at home during your Vietnam tour package

The country is the hub of gorgeous scenery, delicious cuisine, hospitable locals and more. There are certain Know’s and how’s and also Do’s and Don’ts that will help you to have a smooth trip to Vietnam.

Know the Language:

Even a thorough Vietnamese dictionary will teach you only with “Xin Chao”(Hello) or “Xin cam on”(thank you). But in reality, the locals speak on “Xin” when they want to speak “Please”. So have proper research or take a guide along in your Vietnam holiday deals

Vietnamese language pronunciation is poles apart from English. The language addresses someone keeping in mind the age and gender.

Know the body language and gestures:

The language is rich and complex, you have to understand the non-verbal expression and behaviours. 

Do not display affection towards your partner in public:

People in Vietnam are still conservative while showing love in public. They do not welcome tourists who do that, with open arms. So avoid kissing, hugging, or getting intimate in public.

Dress code in Vietnam:

This is specifically for female travelers, do not put on a dress that keeps most of the body parts open. Many temples and religious places there restrict proactive dresses. Yes, you may say, this sounds conservative but they are just trying to preserve their culture. Avoid wearing hats when you go inside churches or temples. 

Be cautious with your anger:

Vietnamese people are fun loving and feel like you are poor mannered if you get angry at the public places. So, keep your anger in check, do not raise your voice or scream when you are in the public area. 

Know about the gift-giving culture:

You will notice the gifts being exchanged in order to build up a relationship throughout Vietnam. It is the sign of love expression and sincere sentiments that they share every day. Gift can be anything from alcohol,tea, food to fruits and flowers, but, unlike other countries, you are not allowed to open the gift in front of the giver. 

Ohh… thinking about the wrapping the gift now? Yes, you need to be careful in doing this too because every color in Vietnam has a symbolic meaning. Red is luck and wealth, green is renewal and rebirth and black… is the unlucky one.

Table manners:

Vietnamese share laughter over their lunch or dinner scenes. The kids are responsible to set the table up while parents prepare the dishes. Same as with other traditions, you need to ask to sit elders first and make them feel honored. 

You may feel that you are entering a school with such freaky rules and manners but they are flexible. No one is going to punish you, nor you are making a heinous crime during the Vietnam holiday packages. So… Have a happy journey. 

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