Tuesday 9 June 2020

Major Festivals and Holidays to Attend in Your Laos Tour

We all love to know and get familiar with foreign cultures, histories, and rituals, especially when we are visiting foreign countries. For example, when you are visiting Laos, you need to make the Laos Tour Package in a manner that you can attend all major traditional festivals. Most of the Laos festivals are linked to different agricultural events and seasons and historical Buddhist holidays, but one thing is certain, you should not miss them at any cost if you enrich your soul with new cultural experiences. 

Here, in this post, we will discuss some of these festivals and holidays popular in Laos. 

January and February 

Boun Pha Vet 

Boun is the Laos word for the festival and the temple celebrates the birth of Prince Vessanthara, the Buddha's penultimate existence. Here, they recite the birth story of Buddha and this is also the time for Lao men to become ordained as monks. You can visit different villages for this festival as they stagger festivities between villages. 

Boun Ma Kha Bu Saar (Full Moon)

The Buddha gave a speech in which he has predicted his death and also laid down the first monastic regulations and this festival is a tribute to it. Almost 1250 monks listened to this speech. Also, this festival is celebrated with chanting and presenting throughout the country offering carious Vat. If you want to attend this festival, go to the Khmer ruins of Vat Phu Champasack as the largest celebrations take place there. 

March Festival 

In various villages, the harvest festival is celebrated throughout the month. 

April festival in Laos 

Boun Pi Mai 

Pi Mai means New Year and Laos celebrate the start of the Lunar calendar year. New clothes are worn by people and the Buddha images are washed. 

May festivals 

Boun Vishakha Bu Saar (Full Moon)

This festival takes place on the first day of the sixth lunar month in the memory of the birth, enlightenment, and parinibbana (death) of Buddha. 

Boun Bang Fai (Rocket Festival) 

In the ancient pre-Buddhist times, people use to fire homemade rockets into the clouds to ask the Almighty for rain. 


Boun Haw Khao Salak 

This festival takes place in the 10th full moon of the lunar calendar in the remembrance of the dead. On behalf of deceased ancestors, Laos people distribute offerings to the monks. Villagers visit the temples in the early morning to pray and give offerings to the monks. 


Boun Ok Phansa and Boat Racing Festival 

When the monks' three month fast ends, this festival takes place during the rainy season. Here too, donations and offerings are made to the temples and in the evening, candlelight processions happen at the temples with hundreds of colorful floats decorated with flowers, incense, and candles are arranged adrift down the Mekong River for the respect of the river spirit. The next day, a popular boat racing competition is held in Vientiane, Savannakhet, and Champasack. 

Wrapping Up

You need to make your Laos tour package in a manner that you can attend these popular festivals. It will give you a new insight into the culture and rituals of the country and will fill your life with unforgettable memories and experiences.

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